Sue Williams Demonstration

Sue Williams gave a wonderful demonstration of how to paint watercolour with a limited pallet. She engaged the audience, was informative & amusing in equal measure. Talking about painting out in all weathers with John Shave &  The Wapping Group & about filming for the SAA.

Amazingly she painted three different subjects with three different pallets. The first  a Thames Scene on an oatmeal tinted paper, in Permanent Rose, Windsor Blue & Burnt Umber. The second on green tinted paper, an Iris in Quinacridone Magenta,  (I think)Windsor Green & Indian Yellow. The third a Norfolk snow scene on blue tinted paper using just French Ultramarine Blue & Light Red.

Remarkably she talked throughout about the qualities of each different colour, whether it was transparent, staining or could be lifted & still ended up with three very nice paintings. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did.

Unfortunately I forgot my camera amongst other things but here are some of her paintings, that can be found  on the SAA website

sue w 1sue w2sue w3

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